VIRUSES lesson 2: Size and prevalence Quizellenj2021-10-01T23:31:57-04:00 Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. How many nanometers are in a micron?1 10 1,000,000 100 1,000 10,000 2. Which of these is the largest?1 Adenovirus Herpes Polio Rabies 3. Which virus looks like it has a bow tie inside?1 Mimivirus Polio Pox viruses Influenza 4. All viruses are bad.1 True False 5. How many microns are in a millimeter?1 10 1,000,000 10,000 100 1,000 6. Which virus is used to track human migration from continent to continent?1 Polyoma Parvo Papilloma Polio 7. The coronavirus is a large megavirus.1 True False 8. The word “vaccine” comes from the Latin word for cow.1 True False 9. Which of these is the smallest?1 Adenovirus Measles Polio Ebola 10. For everyone one of our human cells, we have how many viruses?1 10 100 1,000,000 11. How wide is DNA?1 2 microns 2 millimeters 2 nanometers 12. The papilloma virus causes warts.1 True False 13. How many bacteriophages live in the ocean?1 A trillion A nonillion A quadrillion A billion A quintillion 14. All the viruses in our body are collectively known as our ___.1 biome virome diagnosis virions diseases 15. Whales don’t carry as many viruses as humans do.1 True False VIRUSES lesson 1: Morphology and anatomy VIRUSES lesson 3: History of discovery Back to: VIRUSES lesson 2: Size and prevalence