VIRUSES lesson 7: Inside a Capsid Quizellenj2022-06-02T15:24:13-04:00 Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. REVIEW: Which of these life cycles allows the virus to hide for a long time?1 lysogenic lytic 2. Which one of these viruses has the smallest genome?1 influenza smallpox polio corona 3. Which virus has a pear-shaped capsid?1 corona smallpox papilloma HIV 4. REVIEW: Which of these is NOT made of lipids?1 endoplasmic reticulum membrane microtubules endosomes vesicles 5. Which of these is NOT something that RNA can have?1 polyA tail 5 prime end ribose untranslated region phosphates thymine 6. Which of these viruses has a segmented genome?1 papilloma polio influenza corona 7. A virus that has a genome made of DNA will probably be very interested in going into the nucleus.1 True False 8. Some viruses carry information on how to make protein gadgets that will break cell machinery.1 True False 9. Which of these is not a type of virus genome?1 segmented RNA double-stranded DNA DNA with gaps segmented DNA double-stranded RNA single-stranded DNA 10. Which virus uses Reverse Transcriptase to turn its RNA into DNA?1 corona HIV polio influenza 11. Which of these viruses carries the largest number of protein tools inside its capsid?1 smallpox HIV corona influenza 12. Which type of information is NOT found in a viral genome?1 When to use protein tools How to copy RNA or DNA How to make lipids How to make proteins 13. REVIEW: Who invented a vaccine for Rabies?1 Felix d'Herelle Edward Jenner Jonas Salk Louis Pasteur 14. Viruses need all of these things except one. Which one does it NOT need?1 source of energy raw materials ribosomes RNA polymerase 15. REVIEW: Which of these tools allowed scientists to discover the existence of viruses?1 petri dishes X-ray crystallography PCR assays Chamberland filter electron microscope VIRUSES lesson 6: Inside a Cell VIRUSES lesson 8: Viruses Inside Cells Back to: VIRUSES lesson 7: Inside a Capsid