17: Prokaryotes (part 2) Quizellenj2022-11-23T14:04:31-05:00 Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. How are cilia different from flagella?1 Cilia are found covering the whole of a cell; there is only every one flagellum on a bacterial cell Cilia beat back and forth; flagella spin around in a circle. Cilia are used for locomotion; flagella are not. Cilia are made of proteins; flagella are made of carbohydrates. 2. All bacteria that are Gram negative are bad/pathogens.1 True False 3. The results from a Gram stain tell us about what part of a bacteria?1 The cell wall The nucleus The cytoplasm The flagellum 4. Archae bacteria are not suseptible to penicillin or erythromycin.1 True False 5. What is the MOST common means of locomotion for a bacteria?1 pseudopods air bubbles one or more flagella jet-propelled by extruding slime 6. What does “motility” mean?1 Usefulness Defense Death Movement 7. Until recently, archae and eubacteria used to be classified together as just “bacteria” because they are very similar.1 True False 8. Some bacteria have an outermost layer called the capsule. What is it made of?1 phospholipids polysaccharides microtubules proteins 9. The Herxheimer reaction is when your body feels sick because it is processing toxin that are most commonly released by which kind of bacteria when they die?1 Gram positive Gram negative 10. Which of these is NOT a difference between eubacteria and archae?1 Archae have a nucleus and eubacteria do not. Archae has double headed phospholipids in its plasma membrane and eubacteria has a bilayer of single headed phosphopolipids. Arcahe DNA is wound on spools called histones, while eubacteria DNA is not. Eubacteria have cell walls made of peptidoglycan, archae do not. 16: Prokaryotes (part 1) 18: ATP and Glycolysis Back to: 17: Prokaryotes (part 2)