Some of these skits are from “the days of yore” (late 1990s) back when I first started teaching. When I first put up my website I was in a hurry to get them posted so I just scanned the pages instead of retyping everything. I think everything is still legible. (And history hasn’t changed, so the content should be as fresh as it ever was. 😉
A skit about Fort McHenry
“A Window Into the Stomach” a skit about the discovery of digestion
A skit about Thomas Edison
A skit about Marconi (inventor of radio)
A readers’ theater skit called “The Political Soap Opera Before Christ” (approx. 300-100 BC) (This one is more recent–spring 2011.)
More science skits:
In my “Elements” curriculum there are five more skits, all focusing on the discovery of elements on the Periodic Table.