Invention Day
May 2, 2019
Middle and High school (orange and red groups): Build a mousetrap car, Make Space presentation (the downtown space), word inventions, Invention History game, Rube Goldberg group activity, Invent a Toy, Bricks 4 Kids high school challenge
Upper Elementary (yellow group): Build and fly a stomp rocket, Bricks 4 Kidz Lego activities, word inventions, Rube Goldberg group activity, Invention coloring activity, building challenges (with limited materials)
Elementary (green and blue groups): Build and fly a stomp rocket, Bricks 4 Kidz Lego activities, Invention coloring activity, building challenges (with limited materials), Exploration Rooms (last hour of day after purple group is reduced in numbers)
Preschool (purple group): Exploration Rooms: 1) The box-building room, 2) the Art Invention room (art and craft type activities), 3) the Mechanical Room (activities that involve action, simple machines, or battery power), plus stomp rockets and indoor playground.
PURPLE: PS (preschool),
BLUE: E1 (K-1),
GREEN: E2 (2-3),
YELLOW: E3 (4-5),
ORANGE: MS (6-8),
RED: HS (8-12). 8th graders can be in either MS or HS. (If there are too many kids in the orange group, we may need to bump some up to the red group.)